
Iran’s Top 8 Missiles That Could Strike Israel

Over the past two or three decades, Iran has effectively cemented its reputation as a nation with a powerful arsenal of advanced missiles.

Iran has many long-distance missiles and has even managed to develop its own hypersonic missile – a feat that many technologically advanced Western powers like the United States have been unable to accomplish.

Now, less than two weeks after a brazen Israeli attack on an Iranian consulate in Syria – a blatant violation of the Vienna Convention – it suddenly became apparent to many that Iran has plenty of missiles that can both reach targets in Israel and have a good chance of bypassing Tel Aviv’s missile defense systems, some 1,500km away.

Here are a few examples of what Iran may potentially unleash upon its enemies:

iran missle Iran's Top 8 Missiles That Could Strike Israel
Iranian missile on public display

Kheiber-Shekan (or Kheibar Shekan) has been touted by Iran as the longest-range tactical ballistic missile in the world and is capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 1,450 kilometers. It can carry some 600 kilograms worth of payload.

Emad is a medium-range ballistic missile that has a range of 1,700 kilometers and can carry up to 750 kilograms worth of payload.

This hypersonic missile was unveiled in November 2023. It has a range of 1,500 kilometers while the missile’s hypersonic capabilities help its 450-kilogram warhead negate enemy defense systems.

Haj Qassem
Named after the late Gen. Qassem Soleimani, this missile has a range of 1,400 kilometers and can carry a 500-kilogram warhead, not to mention that it is supposedly capable of evading radar detection.

This Iranian ballistic missile has a range of about 4,000 kilometers and can deliver a payload of some 700 kilograms.

With a range of up to 1,300 kilometers, this “old reliable” missile was adopted by Iran back in 2003. It can carry up to 1,200 kilograms of payload.

This intermediate-range ballistic missile can carry an 800-kilogram payload and has a range of up to nearly 2,000 kilometers.

Paveh is a cruise missile with a 1,650-kilometer range. One of this missile’s distinguishing features is its ability to communicate with other missiles of its type when launched as a group, as well as to change its flight path when approaching the target. The weight of the payload is unknown.

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