

You can sneer but you don’t have ANY ideas, snaps Rishi as Keir hails National Service ‘desperate’

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Rishi Sunak criticised Sir Keir Starmer for mocking his policyCredit: Unpixs

The Labour boss branded the policy ‘desperate’ and ‘not sensible’

RISHI Sunak told Sir Keir Starmer all he can do is “sneer” as he does not have “any ideas for the future”.

The two leaders clashed over the PM’s plan for a new form of compulsory national service in their first TV showdown.

The Labour boss branded the policy “desperate” and “not sensible”.

Asked what he would do to help younger generations, Sir Keir also said: “What I won’t be doing is sending you on national service, some sort of ‘teenage Dad’s Army’, which would be what the Prime Minister would say.”

But the PM blasted Sir Keir for mocking the policy, hitting out: “All you can do is sneer at it because you don’t have any ideas for the future.

“You don’t have anything that is bold and that is going to transform our country for the better.”

Mr Sunak – who announced the policy last week – insisted voters have already warmly welcomed the “bold” idea.

But there was laughter from the audience as the Prime Minister said the National Service would be “transformational for young people in our country, giving them the skills and opportunity they need to succeed in life”.

His election pledge to bring back military service would involve school leavers either enrolling on a 12-month military placement or spending one weekend each month volunteering in their community.

He said he wanted young people to have “financial security” and not “saddle you with £2,000 of extra taxes” – something he says voting Labour will cause.

Labour have repeatedly snubbed the policy – which would see 30,000 Armed Forces placement slots opened up – as a “headline-grabbing gimmick” and insisted the Tories had taken desperate action after “hollowing” the Army and RAF.

But ex-Defence Secretary Ben Wallace tore into the opposition, accusing them of being champions of rights but dodgers of duties.

He said Labour were being hypocritical after confirming Starmer would seek to extend the voting franchise to 16 and 17-year-olds.

ExScots Guard Wallace, 54, fumed: “Labour wants to give 16-year-olds the vote but sneer at making 18-year-olds contribute to making the country safe.  Classic.

“Labour are always about rights but never responsibilities. National Service is perfectly normal in most of Northern Europe.

“Young people are better for it.”

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